Friday, November 29, 2013

Settling Smith Vs. Keynes Debate Once & for All

 Settling the Adam Smith/John Maynard Keynes Debate Once & for All 
Objectives:  California State Standard 12.1.5 & 12.3.3
Common Core National Standards RI.11-12.2 & W.11-12-2
Academic Vocabulary Component/  Refer & Review to your Academic Vocab Chart 

Academic Vocab Words Studied: pivotal, efficacy, legacy, omnipresent, fiscal, monopoly

 Opening Statement for whole class discussion : Here's a statement for us to discuss before we begin our study of Adam Smith & John Maynard Keynes:  Economic Systems never change.  The strengths & weaknesses of each nations system are static.

Students will read about two of most influential economic thinkers in history.  The debate between Adam Smith & John Maynard Keynes has raged for years between those who believe that government should play a very limited role in the economy, & those who see government's fiscal role as pivotal in keeping the economy on an even keel & rescuing it from the depths of recession & depression.  The question is should there really be a debate.  That's for you to decide.

Students will be directed to organize information in a chart form using a note taking system that avoids any appearance of plagiarism or copyright issues.  From that chart, students will write a position paper where they summarize & paraphrase the key ideas arguments & details of both Smith's & Keynes' arguments. Students will also summarize & analyze the ongoing debate. They will consider which thinker's ideas are most important in our current economic circumstances.  Before writing their essays, students will post blog entries & engage in a blogsphere discussion to clarify their thinking before writing.

Accessing Prior Knowledge
From earlier in the year, recall our study of Adam Smith, free enterprise, & laissez faire.
What were Adam Smith's key ideas?  Discussion

Also, recall our study of the role of government in a free market system.  We are just now embarking on a study of government's fiscal policy.  What are the accepted roles of government?
Also recall our study of centrally planned economies & government's omnipresent role?  What was that role?
 Compare & Contrast  Top Hat Organizer
Directions:  Set up a top hat organizer where you list the important ideas of both men.  Students will also include the those things that the two men have in common.  In the final analysis, students will take a position on the debate itself & decide where they stand: Is it appropriate to see the debate as an argument between two opposite points of view?  2) Where do their points of view differ? 3) What do they have in common.

Activate Mental Images

It's helpful for us to develop mental images of the subject matter of our reading.  Refer to the pictures to see what Smith & Keynes looked like.  For Adam Smith, he wrote in in the middle 1700s when Great Britain was the most powerful nation in the world.  Smith was Scottish which is part of the Great Britain.  We imagine men in long hair wigs & short pants with stockings.  Naval shipping & trade using sailing ships was a big part of the economy.

For the life & times John Maynard Keynes we have to think of the 1920s, 30s & into the 40s.  He too was from Great Britain.  His ideas most directly dealt with the British economy but many of his ideas can be applied to our economic system as well.  We might visualize the Great Depression in Europe.

Directions: Read the following essay.  Place the major economic ideas of both Keynes & Smith in the top hat organizer.  You must use the 5 word system (no sentences please) where each note can not be in a sentence & can not be more than five words.

Academic vocabulary assistance: good readers & serious students seek to understand content by familiarizing  themselves with unfamiliar words.  Here is a dictionary link to help you.
Dictionary Help

The Great Debate

Adam Smith Vs. John Maynard Keynes

The debate between free market capitalists who believe that government should not interfere with the workings of the free enterprise economy & those who maintain that the government has a crucial role in managing the economy has raged for generations.  Those who advocate laissez faire policies are considered followers of Adam Smith, who thought & wrote in the middle 1700s.  Those who believe in strong interventions of government are often referred to as Keynesians, because they followed the basic teachings of John Maynard Keynes.  Adam Smith wrote in the middle 1700s during the age of the enlightenment  & concerned himself primarily with need for the monarchies of the time to divorce themselves from domination of economic activity. Adam Smith was the first to offer an explanation of how a market based economic system works. His classic work, An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations was written in 1776. Specifically, the British monarchy was quite fond of giving monopolies to those with strong connections to the British crown. Smith who was a highly respected university scholar, argued that economic activity was being stifled by an inefficient system that held back the productive potential of independent entrepreneurs & businesses.  Smith believed that  free enterprise without  intervention & control by the government, a stronger,  more lucrative  economy could be built & maintained.  By allowing individuals  to seek out & maximize their own self interest plus competition among businesses, a harmonious market system would be created.  Smith believed that an invisible hand would rein other the market & there wouldn't be the need for government interference. The economy would be self-regulating. This became the battle cry of the supporters of a capitalistic, free market, free enterprise system. Today many people who believe the government interferes to the detriment of the economic system cite the work of Adam Smith. Adam Smith, like most economists up until the 1930s, did not concern themselves with the problem of unemployment.
While Smith is largely credited with being the champion of Laissez Faire (government keep your hands off) policies he did recognize the need for government to undertake certain roles including
1) protecting the nation from outside invasion 2) enforcing laws 3) projects that benefit the public at large like roads & schools.  Here's interesting quote from Smith concerning government:

“Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.”
John Maynard Keynes published his famous book The General Theory of Employment, Interest & Money  in 1936.  Here Keynes deals with a very specific issue that occurs within the capitalistic free market system: that being recession & depression & all of the negative problems that go along with it including business failures high unemployment & poverty in general.  Keynes saw the problem basically as one of not enough aggregate demand for goods & services in the economy. Demand translates into spending; spending translates into positive economic activity like job creation & investment  He believed that government could play a significant role in getting the economy back on track.   If investors are unable or unwilling to invest & individuals are unable or unwilling to spend, the economy will spiral down & come to a standstill.  When aggregate demand for goods & services are in crisis, there is no one else around to make up for this loss of demand except the government.  Government has vast resources to spend on a grand scale & to borrow.  By spending on various projects & hiring people itself, government can create more income & therefore more spending which leads to more growth in the overall economy.  Government can also tax less which leaves more money in people's pockets to spend on goods.  These activities by government are known as fiscal policy.  Keynes also believed if the economy becomes too overheated & inflation (the general rise in prices) emerges the government can reverse itself & spend less & raise taxes to cut down on overspending, which is the root cause of inflation.

In our most recent economic recession, many of Keynesian techniques were employed.  The government cut taxes; they allocated large amounts of funds for projects that employed many people; they gave many financial institutions large loans to keep them stable & they used monetary policy to keep interest rates low.
Checking for Understanding
Blog on
Respond to two the following prompts  by blogging your comments below. If you have a Gmail account you will need to put in your logon info.  If you don't have a Gmail account you will have to set one up. (It only takes a minute.)  Make sure to you keep track of your password & other logon info.  Do not share it with others. In order to get credit you must include your full name & the period number in your comment.  You must also respond using well written sentences.  Your responses must be supported with evidence & sound reasoning. You can certainly question any of the viewpoints presented, including the comments of other students, but you must include thoughtful reasoning. Always be respectful & serious.  Respond to two of the following.
1) Adam Smith hated any & all government involvement.  Give evidence as to the truth or fiction of this statement
2) What issue or problem in the economy was Adam Smith addressing in the Wealth of Nations?
3) What problem was Keynes trying to solve with his writings?  How does he think the problem  can be solved?
4)How do you imagine the economies were different in Keynes' time as opposed to Adam Smith's time?
5) What did George W. Bush mean when he said at the point of the government bailout of the banks in 2009 that "we are all Keynesians now?"
6) What do you think Keynes thought about the self-regulating potential of market economies?
7) Ask for clarification on anything from the writing that you don't understand?  Do it in a thoughtful way, explaining what it is you don't understand.
8) You can choose to comment on your schoolmates comments, adding support or extending  their point or disagreeing.  You must clearly explain your argument & offer reasoning or evidence.

Discussion Task/Guiding Questions

Now that we have had a chance to dialogue via the blog, lets take a few minutes before you write to clarify a few important themes when it comes to understanding & applying the knowledge of Keynes & Smith.  Here is a question that I would like everyone to discuss with a partner in Think, Pair, Share format.  I will call on people randomly to respond & also give volunteers a chance to contribute.

Question: 1) In what way has Keynes & Smith influenced our economy today?  Think about both the day-to-day operation of our economy & how the government responds to economic problems.  Consider the economic system of the U.S. 

Time to Write
Now that you have collected this information, it's time to write your summary.  Your job is to write an explanatory text clearly encompassing the salient ideas of both Adam Smith & John Maynard Keynes.  You must also describe the "debate" between hard line  free marketers & Keynesian liberals.  Your thesis must include a statement regarding the appropriateness & the degree to which the two men can be compared & contrasted.   Carefully read the rubric provided below.

4 Excellent;  3 Proficient; 2 not proficient; 1 inadequate
a) Introduce the topic; organize complex ideas so each new elements builds on that which precedes
b) develop the topic thoroughly by presenting the most significant & relevant facts
c) use a variety of sentence types, & transitions
d) use language that is specific to economics
e) provide a concluding statement that is supported by the details & evidence that precedes it.


Here are some links if you want to learn more about Keynes & Smith
Paul A. London Adam Smith & John Maynard KeynesExcerpts & Quotes from Adam SmithKeynesian Economics in a Nut Shell
Adam Smith & John Maynard Keynes Compared & Contrasted
Economic Theories of Adam Smith & John Maynard Keynes

Students do not go beyond this point or you might get confused.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Good link

This link does a good job of showing how Smith & Keynes differed on individula behavor

compare Keynes & Smith

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where To Begin!

Step I:  Remember when we learned about the role of Government in a free enterprise market system, & the role of government in a centrally planned economy.  With a centrally planned system there is little controversay regarding the government.  The Government rules or commands over the entire economy.  In a market based economy the role of government is much more problematic.   The role of government in a market economy has been debated for many years.  Strong believers in market economy believe in laissez fare.

Consider the following statement: Adam Smith believed in a completely laissez fare system & believed that it was not the responsibility of the free market system to worry about a safety net to take care of the unfortunate poor people.   In other words Adam Smith hated the poor & only respected the well to do.

Use a Support/Refute Oranizer to list & organize  statements from the readings.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Comparing Contrasting Adam Smith & John Maynard Keynes: Project Guidlines

Overview:  You will read a series of articles about two of the most important economists that ever lived.
Often students of economics & the general public think of the two scholars as represtenting two polar opposite opinions about economics.  Your job is to research the two economists & formulate a thesis & conclusion as to the assertion that the two men were diametrically oppposed to each other.  You must identify the central ideas of each man's ideas & be able to paraphrase the key details & ideas  that build on the more general themes of each thinker.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Adam Smith vs. John Maynard Keynes

Welcome students to the first project of the year!  How very exciting that in the middle of this political economic cage fight we have a chance to learn, analyze, & debate the opposing views of John Maynard Keynes & Adam Smith. These two guys who were not contemporaries and  their view points were not always oppositional.  Since they were both from Great Britain, I've added a couple of pics I took in London several years back.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Project 2

Welcome Back Students!

The Electoral College

Today's Assignment involves some research & writing on the topic of the Electoral College.  You've heard me say that it is actually the electoral college that elects the President & Vice President.  The Electoral College is not with out serious controversy.  Its critics argue that it is not democratic since it is possible for a candidate to actually have more people  vote for him/her & still lose the election.  This is exactly what happened in   the 2000 election.  George W. Bush was elected even though Al Gore actually had more votes cast for him.  This type of situation took place in three other elections in our history as well.  You will research the Electoral College & answer in writing several important question.  Using your new found knowledge, you will first collect notes on a set of questions & then  write an essay using the Ceres Unified School District Rubric. You are encouraged to use the links provided, but you may also do your own searches.  This project will be undertaken over two visits to the computer lab.  Save your work to your student folder & use your time wisely.

This project addresses California State Standard 12.6.6  Analyze trends in voter turnout; the causes & effects of reapportionment & redistricting, with special attention to spatial districting & the rights of minorities; and the function of the Electoral College.
Learning Objective:  Students wil be able to articulate in writing the function & implementation of The Electoral College & the arguments for & against its continued existence as the means by which we choose the U.S. president.

Do Not Plagarize
Take notes in the following format.  You will turn in your notes in the end.
1) Do not take notes in complete sentences.  
2) Use no more than 5 words in each note.
3) Include in your paper a bibliography that contains the sources you used

Use the links below to take notes on the following questions.  Use the note taking format indicated above.   These notes will be the information you use to complete the persuasive essay below.   Include your notes at the end of your essay for review. 

Question#1 How does the Electoral College work today?  How did it work in the beginning of our nation's history?
Question #2 Has the Electoral College ever produced controversial results?
Questions #3 What are arguments against the Electoral College?
Question #4    What are arguments that are in favor of the Electoral College?
Question #5 What are some other ways that we could elect our president & vice-president? What are some alternatives to the Electoral College?c

Putting your Notes into a Final Persuasive Essay 

You will first need a thesis or main idea sentence that draws a conclusion about the Electoral College or expresses your opinion .  Then use your notes for each of the question above to develop an essay. Summarize the important points concerning the pros & cons of the Electoral College.  Then give your opinions regarding the Electoral College.  Is it good? Is it bad ? Should it be replaced?  With what should it be replaced?  Summarize your evidence that supports your thesis.

Bibliography:  List all of your sources.  Include the web site, the author of the article if it is listed, the title of the article & the url web address. 
