Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where To Begin!

Step I:  Remember when we learned about the role of Government in a free enterprise market system, & the role of government in a centrally planned economy.  With a centrally planned system there is little controversay regarding the government.  The Government rules or commands over the entire economy.  In a market based economy the role of government is much more problematic.   The role of government in a market economy has been debated for many years.  Strong believers in market economy believe in laissez fare.

Consider the following statement: Adam Smith believed in a completely laissez fare system & believed that it was not the responsibility of the free market system to worry about a safety net to take care of the unfortunate poor people.   In other words Adam Smith hated the poor & only respected the well to do.

Use a Support/Refute Oranizer to list & organize  statements from the readings.


  1. Let us not forget tht we read about Adam Smith early on & looked carefully at his ideas about the invisible hand & seeking self-interest not to mention Laissez Fare

  2. Objective: Read complex excerpts from Adam Smith & John Maynard Keynes & write a summary of the similarities & differences between these two great economic thinkers. Students will develop a thesis & provide detailed evidence in support of their theme & arguments.
    Students will fill first need to employ an understanding of key acaademic vocatulary

  3. Along with prmary resources students will also look at secondary resources.

  4. Here's a good link that will highlight some of the key differences between Keynes & Smith. Key Question: How did the two thinkers differ on human behavior & how individual behavior would impact the economy
